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- Koji Kondo -

“The ultimate goal in making music, is to create memorable melodies. That goal is there regardless of the tools we have.”


Box Battle

Box Battle was created by a group I was involved with called Dinger Apps in 2015. I worked on this project as a Game Designer mainly, however I worked on sound effects aswell. I used an online synthesizer called Bfxr to create all of the sound effects and used FMOD to program the cues in myself. As far as music is concerned, I didn't compose the two tracks myself, however I did select them from a huge loop database and program them into the game. 

Don't Touch The Branches

Don't Touch the Branches was created in 2014 by Dinger Apps. I worked on Marketing and Quality Assurance on this project. It was the first commercial game I worked on. I used mainly Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Kickstarter) to advertise and promote the project. I had a public testing day in which I invited 100 people to play and review the quality of the game. I organised their feedback and it was used by the developers to improve the quality of the game. 


Catalyst was created in 2012 as a University final assesment piece. I was the Lead Designer and Lead Programmer on this project. I used Game Maker along with its native scripting language(GML) to program the entire game including movement, enemy AI, menus, sound and all other interactions within the game world. It came 4th overall on the showcase night, just falling short of the 3rd place award. 

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